قنبله الموسم الضرب اوتماتيك Autoshoot+aimbot+wallhack شاطرالمزيد!
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قنبله الموسم الضرب اوتماتيك Autoshoot+aimbot+wallhack شاطرالمزيد!
السلام عليكم
هذا برنامج به رموز خطيرة للعبه ميدل وقريبا سيتم تعريب الشرح وانتظرو المذيد
hello all welcome evry body
this is hack :Autoshoot+aimbot+wallhack+andmore
The last of the CoRRuPTioN brand, an open source Medal of Honor Allied Assault client hook by Shard.
This is not DMW proof!
4shared.com /get/gWWFP7k3/ISO-8859-1__CoRRuPTioN_4.html
All programming and reversing was done by me (Shard).
hack is roughly based on ETH32 (except obviously for a completely
different game), so credits to chaplex, solcrushr, Sinner, buffalo,
null, ascii and kobject for that.
codinGanimal for an some (ancient) posts on MPC explaining some things about the engine.
RainerStoff, dom1n1k and probably some others for a couple of pieces of code used in the hack.
Tons of other people at https://gamerzpt.yoo7.com [color]
Entity/Player/Enemy wallhack
Player and item chameleon skins (pk3 for easy modification)
Name ESP (Name tags)
Distance ESP
Weapon ESP
"Skeleton" (or "Bone") ESP
Item ESP (Weapons, health boxes, etc.)
Customisable hitbox and/or bone aimbot
Customisable aim priority (e.g. Head only, Body > Head, etc.)
Aim prediction
3D Hitboxes
Zoom camera
Mirror camera
‘CoRRuPTioN_4.dll’ and ‘sinJect.exe’ to any folder (both in the same
folder). Copy ‘CoRRuPTioN_4.pk3’ to your MOHAA\main folder. Load up
sinJect and add MOHAA.exe. Make sure both MOHAA.exe and
CoRRuPTioN_4.dll are selected like so:
‘CoRRuPTioN_4.dll’ and ‘sinJect.exe’ to any folder (both in the same
folder). Copy ‘CoRRuPTioN_4.pk3’ to your MOHAA\main folder. Load up
sinJect and add MOHAA.exe. Make sure both MOHAA.exe and
CoRRuPTioN_4.dll are selected like so:
all you have to do is load up MOHAA.exe and it should automatically
inject, you will hear a clicking sound if it succeeds, if not, check
the troubleshooting section or use a different injector.
all you have to do is load up MOHAA.exe and it should automatically
inject, you will hear a clicking sound if it succeeds, if not, check
the troubleshooting section or use a different injector.
hack is configured through cvars. All cvars start with ‘cr_’, so for a
complete list type in "cr_" and then press TAB to cycle through them
[color]hack is configured through cvars. All cvars start with ‘cr_’, so for a
complete list type in "cr_" and then press TAB to cycle through them
Cvar List
وهذا رموز لتشغيل البرنامج من الكونسل كل رمز لتشغيل خصيه معينه بمعنى لتشغيل هكر معين
Name(s) | Description | Values | Default |
cr_wallhack | A simple wallhack. | 0 = Off 1 = Player wallhack 2 = Enemy wallhack 3 = Entity wallhack | 0 |
cr_playerchams | Player chameleon skins. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_itemchams | Item chameleon skins. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_autoshoot | Automatically fires your weapon (except grenades and empty weapons) if you are aiming at a player. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_nameesp | Draws player names above their heads. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_weaponesp | Draws player weapon names above their heads. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_distanceesp | Draws player distances above their heads. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_esp_x cr_esp_y cr_esp_z | The coordinates (relative to the player’s head axis) at which to draw ESP. | Any floating point value. | 0.0 0.0 15.0 |
cr_skeletonesp | Draws player skeletons/bones (in 3D). | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_itemesp | Draws item names. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_aimbot | Automatically aims at enemy players. | 0 = Off 1 = Instant aim 2 = Human Aim | 0 |
cr_aimpriority | Tells the aimbot which part of the body to aim at. | 0 = Head > Body 1 = Body > Head 2 = Head only 3 = Body only | 0 |
cr_prediction | How far ahead the aimbot should predict targets (in seconds). | Any floating point value (seconds). | 0.035 (35 ms) |
cr_headpoints | The number of aim points to randomly generate inside the hitbox volume. | Any integer value. | 20 |
cr_bonepoints | The number of aim points to uniformly generate along each bone (excluding the tags themselves) | Any integer value. | 2 |
cr_aimvec_x cr_aimvec_y cr_aimvec_z | The coordinates, relative to the player’s head axis, at which the centre of the hitbox should be. | Any floating point value. | 2.0 0.0 5.0 |
cr_hitbox_x cr_hitbox_y cr_hitbox_z | The size of the hitbox, with the centre at the aim vector, along the player’s head axis. | Any floating point value. | 7.0 7.0 8.5 |
cr_hitboxes | Draws the hitboxes in 3D around player’s heads to show where the aimbot will aim. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_ignoreglass | Allows the aimbot to aim through windows and other glass objects. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_preaimtime | How far to predict your own movement and aim at targets ahead of time (in seconds). | Any floating point value (seconds). | 0.2 (200 ms) |
cr_zoomcam | The magnification factor of the zoom camera. | 0.0 = Off Any other floating point value = Magnification factor. | 0.0 |
cr_zoomcam_x cr_zoomcam_y cr_zoomcam_w cr_zoomcam_h | The position and size of the zoom camera in screen coordinates. (X, Y, Width, Height). | Any integer value. | 128 96 256 192 |
cr_mirror | Draws the mirror camera (shows what is behind you). | 0 = Off 1 = On | 0 |
cr_mirror_x cr_mirror_y cr_mirror_w cr_mirror_h | The position and size of the mirror camera in screen coordinates. | Any integer value. | 128 292 256 192 |
cr_fov_x cr_fov_y | Sets the field of view (angle) for the aimbot. e.g. Setting both of these to 90.0 will only aim at targets within 90 degrees of your crosshair. Tip: Use the ‘cr_setviewfov’ console command to set these to your view FOV. | Any floating point value between 0 and 360. | 360.0 360.0 |
cr_locksensitivity | Locks your mouse sensitivity when the aimbot is enabled for increased accuracy. | 0 = Off 1 = On | 1 |
If sinJect is not working for you, try some other DLL injectors such as winJect (not as similar as they sound).
have included the MOHAA.exe and cgamex86.dll which I used to make the
hack, so if it isn’t working you should backup your old ones and
replace them.
have included the MOHAA.exe and cgamex86.dll which I used to make the
hack, so if it isn’t working you should backup your old ones and
replace them.
[justify]If it still isn’t working, stick with Wambot.
البرنامج سيتم شرحه بالعربى قريبا وارجوا الرد ولو بكلمه شكرا ولكم جزيل الشكر
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